Our factory in Nowy Tomysl is located between Poznan and the German city of Frankfurt an der Oder. We assemble and pack brackets produced in our factory in Sweden. Our about 50 employees are active in all aspects of production, planning, logistics, sales support and administration.

The factory in Rybnik is located in southern Poland. We manufacture panel radiators and components. We are one of the largest factories in Rybnik with just under 500 employees. Our departments include production, logistics, purchasing, maintenance, IT, quality, finance, HR and customer service. For over twenty-five years, the company has been successful thanks to high-quality products and the people who create them.

The factory in Wałcz is located in north-western Poland. We produce panel radiators and connectors for radiators. The Wałcz factory is the biggest company in our town with over 300 employees. Here we have production, logistics, purchase, maintenance, IT, quality, finance, HR, customer service and marketing departments. We are proud to deliver our products to many countries around the world.

Contact us

See our manufacturing, distribution and sales sites.