Our way forward
This is our reason-to-be: our vision and mission. A simple story about the world we’re in, how we think it could be better, what we’re going to do about it, and how we aim to bring everyone along to a better place.

Here are the basic facts on where Purmo Group is, and how its functions and divisions fit together.

Our management
Meet our Core Leadership Team who steer the knowledge, talent, skills and ambitions of Purmo Group to achieve the things it does.

Change has always been a part of our DNA. Through formation, globalisation and transformation, we've always been perceptive to what is happening around us and good at grasping opportunities as they occur.

News and insights
Catch up on the latest news from Purmo Group or look back on some of our previous releases

Public policies
Purmo Group’s foundation lies in our company culture. We show respect to our people, our society and our environment and that connects us across the whole organisation.